Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ ADA TC
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Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ADA Tissue Culture

Hemianthus callitrichoides, commonly known as ‘Cuba’ or ‘Dwarf Baby Tears,’ is one of the smallest and most popular carpeting plants in the aquarium hobby. This particular variety, Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green,’ boasts vibrant, bright green leaves that form a dense, lush carpet in the foreground of your aquarium. Its delicate, mint-green color adds a stunning visual contrast to any aquascape. Ideal for nano tanks, Iwagumi layouts, and nature-style aquariums, this plant can create an impressive, natural lawn effect when given proper care.

This product is provided in ADA Tissue Culture, which ensures that the plant is grown in a sterile environment, free from pests, algae, and contaminants, making it safe and healthy for your aquarium from the start.

Detailed Care Guide:

Tank Requirements:

  • Lighting: High-intensity lighting (8 to 12 hours per day) is essential for Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ to grow densely and healthily. Insufficient lighting will lead to vertical, leggy growth and can prevent it from forming a compact carpet.
  • Substrate: This plant thrives in fine-grained, nutrient-rich substrates such as ADA Aqua Soil or similar substrates. A nutrient-dense substrate is key for root development and long-term growth.
  • CO2: CO2 supplementation is highly recommended for optimal growth. Without CO2, the plant may grow very slowly and may not spread as effectively, leading to sparse carpeting.
  • Water Parameters:
    • Temperature: 70°F – 82°F (21°C – 28°C)
    • pH: 5.5 – 7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (1 – 10 dGH)

Tissue Culture Preparation and Planting:

  1. Opening the Tissue Culture:
    • Carefully open the ADA Tissue Culture container to avoid damaging the plant. The Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ will be growing in a nutrient-rich gel.
  2. Rinsing the Plant:
    • Remove the plant gently from the container and wash off the nutrient gel under lukewarm water. Ensure that all gel is removed to prevent it from causing water quality issues in your aquarium.
  3. Dividing the Plant:
    • Break the plant into small clumps or portions. These clumps should be around 1-2 cm in size, as smaller portions will help the plant establish itself faster and promote even growth across the substrate.
  4. Planting:
    • Using aquascaping tweezers, plant the individual clumps into the substrate. Plant them at intervals of around 1-2 cm from each other. Over time, the plant will spread via runners and form a dense, continuous carpet.
    • Ensure that the roots are planted securely in the substrate to prevent them from floating up.
  5. Initial Care:
    • In the first few days after planting, reduce lighting intensity slightly and monitor CO2 levels to help the plant acclimate. Gradually increase the lighting to optimal levels once the plant starts showing new growth.


  • Trimming: Regular trimming is crucial to maintaining a neat carpet. Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ grows quickly under ideal conditions and can become overgrown if not trimmed frequently. Trim the top portions to encourage horizontal growth and denser carpets.
  • Fertilization: Liquid fertilizers rich in micronutrients are essential, especially if the substrate lacks nutrients. A root tab can also be added for sustained growth. Ensure that your fertilization regime includes a balance of nutrients to prevent yellowing or stunted growth.
  • Water Changes: Consistent water changes (20-30% weekly) are necessary to maintain good water quality and prevent algae buildup. Fresh water also provides essential nutrients for plant health.

Growth and Propagation:

Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ spreads via runners, which will naturally form new plantlets as they establish themselves in the substrate. Under ideal conditions (with high light, CO2, and nutrient-rich substrate), the plant will grow quickly and cover the foreground of your tank. You can propagate the plant manually by trimming and replanting the portions in other areas of the tank.

Ideal Tank Setup:

This plant is ideal for creating a lush, green carpet in both small and large tanks. It is especially popular in high-tech aquascapes, where the combination of high light, CO2 injection, and rich substrate allows it to grow dense and vibrant. Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ works well in Iwagumi-style layouts, where its small size complements larger stones and hardscapes.

It pairs beautifully with other small carpeting plants and works as a contrasting element in aquascapes with taller, stem plants or accent rocks.


Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ is a beautiful, compact carpeting plant that creates a lush, mint-green “lawn” effect in aquariums. This plant is ideal for aquascapers who want a natural and vibrant carpet in the foreground. Its compact, fine-leaved growth pattern is perfect for nano tanks and larger aquascapes alike.

Packaged in ADA Tissue Culture, this plant arrives sterile, free of pests, algae, and contaminants, ensuring a healthy start to your aquascaping project. With high light, CO2 injection, and nutrient-rich substrates, Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba Mint Green’ will form a dense, lush carpet that enhances the visual appeal of your aquarium.


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