Longfin Peppered Corydora
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Add grace and charm to your aquarium with the Longfin Peppered Corydora (Corydoras paleatus “Longfin”), a captivating variant of the classic Peppered Corydora. Known for their elongated, flowing fins and distinctive spotted pattern, these peaceful bottom-dwellers are both beautiful and hardworking. Ideal for community tanks, the Longfin Peppered Corydora is hardy, social, and endlessly entertaining, making them a favorite for aquarists of all levels.

Care Guide:

Scientific Name: Corydoras paleatus “Longfin”
Common Name: Longfin Peppered Corydora
Family: Callichthyidae
Origin: A cultivated variant of the Peppered Corydora, originally native to streams and rivers in South America, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.

1. Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 68°F to 78°F (20°C to 26°C)
  • pH Range: 6.0 to 7.5
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
  • Water Flow and Oxygenation: Prefers gentle water flow with good oxygenation.

Note: The Longfin Peppered Corydora thrives in stable, clean water conditions. Perform regular water changes to keep nitrate levels low.

2. Tank Setup:

  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons for a group of 4-6 Corydoras.
  • Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel to protect their delicate barbels while foraging. Avoid sharp substrates.
  • Decor: Include driftwood, smooth rocks, and plenty of hiding spots. Floating plants can help provide shaded areas, which they prefer.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is ideal; these fish thrive in dimly lit tanks with shaded areas.
  • Plants: Live plants such as Java Fern, Anubias, and Amazon Sword are excellent choices and help mimic their natural environment.

3. Feeding:

Longfin Peppered Corydoras are omnivores and enjoy a varied diet.

  • Primary Diet: High-quality sinking pellets or wafers formulated for bottom-dwellers.
  • Supplementary Foods: Frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
  • Vegetable Options: Blanched vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, or peas can be offered occasionally.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed once or twice daily, ensuring food reaches the bottom where they can access it.

4. Tank Mates:

Longfin Peppered Corydoras are peaceful and thrive in community tanks with similarly tempered species.

  • Compatible Tank Mates: Small, non-aggressive fish such as tetras, rasboras, guppies, and dwarf gouramis. Other bottom-dwellers like Otocinclus or small plecos are also suitable.
  • Tank Mate Cautions: Avoid housing them with large, aggressive species that may bully or outcompete them.

Note: Keep these Corydoras in groups of at least 4-6 individuals. They are highly social and display their best behaviors when surrounded by their own kind.

5. Behavior and Temperament:

  • Activity Level: Active during the day, particularly in the morning and evening.
  • Social Behavior: Extremely peaceful and social, Longfin Peppered Corydoras enjoy foraging in groups and interacting with their tank mates.
  • Special Notes: They are bottom-dwellers that spend most of their time exploring the substrate, looking for food, and occasionally darting to the surface for a gulp of air.

6. Breeding:

Longfin Peppered Corydoras are relatively easy to breed in captivity.

  • Breeding Setup: Use a separate breeding tank with fine sand substrate and slightly warmer water (around 75°F or 24°C). Provide plenty of hiding spots and flat surfaces like slate or leaves for egg deposition.
  • Triggering Breeding: Perform water changes with cooler water to mimic the rainy season, and feed a high-protein diet.
  • Egg Care: Remove eggs to a separate tank or use a breeding box to protect them from being eaten. Eggs typically hatch in 3-5 days, and fry can be fed powdered fry food or baby brine shrimp.

Health and Maintenance:

Longfin Peppered Corydoras are hardy but sensitive to poor water quality.

  • Maintenance Tips: Perform weekly water changes (20-30%) and monitor water parameters closely.
  • Common Issues: Watch for signs of stress or infection, such as damaged barbels, lethargy, or loss of appetite. Keep the substrate clean to prevent barbel injuries.

Key Care Tips:

  • Keep them in groups of 4-6 or more to promote natural social behaviors.
  • Use soft substrate to protect their sensitive barbels.
  • Offer a balanced diet with both protein-rich and plant-based foods.
  • Provide plenty of hiding spots and shaded areas to make them feel secure.

With their elegant fins and gentle demeanor, the Longfin Peppered Corydora adds both beauty and utility to your aquarium. Perfect for beginners and experienced aquarists alike, this delightful species is sure to become a favorite in your tank!


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