Brilliant Discus 3-4″
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The Brilliant Discus is one of the most visually stunning and sought-after freshwater fish for aquarists. Known for their vibrant, iridescent blue-green hues and round, laterally compressed body shape, these fish are the crown jewel of any aquarium. Native to the Amazon River Basin, Discus thrive in warm, soft water and are ideal for experienced fish keepers who are looking to elevate their aquascape with a dazzling centerpiece fish. With their regal appearance and graceful swimming behavior, Brilliant Discus add an unparalleled level of beauty and sophistication to any freshwater tank.

Care Guide for Brilliant Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus)

Tank Requirements:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 50 gallons is recommended for a small group (4-6 discus). Discus thrive in spacious aquariums, and for larger groups, you may need a tank size of 75 gallons or more.

  • Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: 82°F – 88°F (28°C – 31°C)
    • pH: 6.0 – 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral)
    • Hardness: 1 – 8 dGH (soft water is preferred)
  • Filtration & Water Flow: Discus prefer slow-moving water, mimicking their natural Amazonian habitats. A canister filter or sponge filter is ideal, but make sure to avoid strong water currents.

  • Water Changes: Discus are sensitive to water quality, and regular water changes are essential. Weekly water changes of 25-50% are recommended to maintain pristine water conditions and reduce the risk of illness.

  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is ideal for Discus. Bright lighting may stress them out, so opt for subdued or adjustable lighting.

  • Substrate: A fine sand or soft substrate is recommended. While Discus are not bottom dwellers, they may sift through the substrate during feeding.

  • Tank Setup:

    • Hiding Places: Discus appreciate having areas where they can feel secure, so incorporate driftwood, rocks, and tall plants such as Amazon swords. Floating plants can also provide shade and comfort.
    • Open Swimming Space: Ensure there’s plenty of open space in the tank for Discus to swim freely, as they are active swimmers.


Brilliant Discus are omnivores, and they require a balanced diet for optimal health and color. Feed them a mix of high-protein and plant-based foods.

  • Preferred Foods:
    • High-quality pellets or flakes specifically formulated for Discus
    • Frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and tubifex worms
    • Vegetable matter like spirulina-based flakes or blanched vegetables (e.g., spinach, peas)

Discus may take a while to acclimate to new foods, but once they settle in, they’ll eagerly accept a variety of options. Feed small amounts 2-3 times daily.

Behavior & Compatibility:

  • Temperament: Discus are peaceful and social fish that prefer to live in groups. However, they can be a bit territorial, especially during breeding, but they are generally non-aggressive.

  • Schooling Behavior: Discus are best kept in groups of 4-6 or more. They form a natural hierarchy, and a larger group reduces stress and territorial behavior.

  • Tank Mates:

    • Choose calm, peaceful fish as tank mates, such as Corydoras catfish, Rummy Nose Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, or Dwarf Cichlids.
    • Avoid fin-nippers or aggressive species like Barbs or larger Cichlids.
    • Be mindful of tank mates that can tolerate the higher temperatures Discus require.


Breeding Brilliant Discus can be challenging but rewarding for experienced aquarists. They are egg layers and will spawn on flat surfaces such as leaves or rocks.

  • Breeding Setup:
    • Use a breeding tank with warmer water (around 86°F – 88°F) and maintain excellent water quality.
    • Flat surfaces like broad leaves or a slate rock should be available for them to lay eggs on.
    • Mated pairs will clean the surface before laying eggs, and both parents will guard the eggs until they hatch.
  • Raising Fry: Once the fry hatch, they will feed on the mucus secreted from the parents’ bodies for the first few days. After that, you can feed them finely crushed flake food or baby brine shrimp.

Health Considerations:

  • Disease Susceptibility: Discus are susceptible to Ich, Hexamita (Hole-in-the-Head disease), and parasitic infections. Regular water changes and high water quality are crucial for their health.

  • Common Ailments:

    • Parasites: Watch for signs of Hexamita or other internal parasites.
    • External parasites: Ich or other parasitic infections may be common if water quality is poor.
  • Stress and Immune Health: Discus are sensitive to environmental changes, and stress can lead to immune system issues. Ensure water parameters are stable, and avoid sudden fluctuations in temperature or pH.

Special Considerations:

  • Sensitive to Water Quality: Discus are often referred to as the “Kings of the Aquarium” but they are sensitive to water quality and require excellent tank maintenance. Consistency is key to their well-being.

  • Acclimation: When introducing Discus to a new tank, ensure a slow acclimation process to minimize stress. Float the bag for 15-30 minutes and slowly add tank water to the bag before releasing them into the tank.


Brilliant Discus are a breathtaking centerpiece for any well-maintained aquarium, with their vivid blue-green colors and regal demeanor. Though they require specific care, including warm temperatures and excellent water quality, the rewards of keeping these striking fish are undeniable. Ideal for aquarists with some experience, they make a wonderful addition to peaceful community tanks with compatible, calm species. Their calm, peaceful temperament and schooling behavior make them a delight to watch, and their unique breeding habits are fascinating for advanced hobbyists.


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