Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ – Potted
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Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ – Potted Plants (Imported Plants)

Anubias nana ‘Pinto,’ a unique and captivating aquatic plant that will elevate the beauty of your freshwater aquarium. Renowned for its striking variegated leaves and compact size, the Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ adds a touch of elegance and charm to any aquascape. With its vibrant green foliage adorned with white and pinkish hues, this exquisite plant is sure to become the centerpiece of your underwater garden. Experience the beauty of the Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ and transform your aquarium into a mesmerizing aquatic paradise.

Care Guide: Providing proper care is essential for the health and vibrancy of your Anubias nana ‘Pinto.’ Follow this care guide to ensure optimal conditions for your plant:


  • Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ thrives in moderate to low lighting conditions.
  • Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight, as this can cause algae growth on its leaves.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: Maintain a water temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C).
  • pH: Keep the pH level in the slightly acidic to neutral range, ideally between 6.5-7.5.
  • Hardness: Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ prefers soft to moderately hard water with a hardness range of 2-12 dGH.

Substrate and Anchoring:

  • Plant the Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ in a nutrient-rich substrate or attach it to driftwood, rocks, or other aquarium decorations.
  • Avoid burying the rhizome of the plant in the substrate, as this can lead to rot.


  • Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ is a slow-growing plant that does not require frequent fertilization.
  • Supplement with liquid or root tab fertilizers occasionally to provide essential nutrients.


  • Propagate the Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ by dividing the rhizome into smaller sections and attaching them to new surfaces.
  • Use sharp, clean scissors or a knife to carefully separate the rhizome.


  • Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ is compatible with a wide range of aquarium fish and invertebrates.
  • Avoid placing the plant in tanks with herbivorous species that may nibble on its leaves.


  • Remove any debris or algae that accumulates on the leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s health and appearance.
  • Prune overgrown leaves as needed to encourage new growth and maintain the desired shape.

Note: The Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ is a versatile and resilient plant that adds visual interest and natural beauty to any aquarium. With its compact size and striking variegation, it is perfect for aquascaping projects of all sizes.

Experience the allure of the Anubias nana ‘Pinto’ in your aquarium. Order now to bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your aquatic landscape. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this exquisite plant will thrive with minimal care, becoming a cherished focal point in your underwater oasis.


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