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Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus), the petite and charming addition that brings a delightful touch to your freshwater aquarium. With their striking patterns and playful demeanor, these small corydoras add a burst of energy and elegance to your aquascape. Perfect for enthusiasts who appreciate tiny, sociable species, the Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras is an excellent choice to add both visual interest and a sense of community to your aquatic haven.
Care Guide: The Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus) is a small and social fish that requires specific care to thrive. Follow these guidelines to provide optimal conditions for the health and happiness of your Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras:
Aquarium Setup:
- Tank Size: A tank of at least 10 gallons is suitable for a small group of Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras.
- Substrate: Use fine sand or smooth gravel as substrate to prevent injury to their sensitive barbels.
- Decor: Provide hiding spots with rocks, caves, driftwood, and live or artificial plants. These corydoras will appreciate the presence of structures like PVC pipes.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: Maintain water temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C).
- pH: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.0-7.5.
- Hardness: Keep water hardness in the moderate range, around 5-15 dKH.
Filtration and Oxygenation:
- Provide efficient filtration and good water circulation to maintain water quality.
- Ensure proper surface agitation for oxygen exchange.
Diet and Feeding:
- Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras are omnivores. They accept high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and granules.
- Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
- Feed small portions multiple times a day to ensure they receive enough nutrition.
- Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras are peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful fish that share similar water requirements.
- Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species that may intimidate or harm them.
Behavior and Compatibility:
- These corydoras are known for their social behavior. Keeping them in a group of at least six individuals is ideal.
- They are active and playful, often exploring the bottom of the tank in search of food.
- Regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality and prevent waste buildup.
- Keep the tank well-maintained and provide clean, well-oxygenated water.
Experience the charm and community spirit of Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras in your aquarium. Order now to witness their vibrant patterns and the delightful antics of these captivating fish. Whether you’re an experienced hobbyist or a beginner, Tail-Spot Pygmy Corydoras will provide endless fascination and a sense of camaraderie to your freshwater aquarium.
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+$25 Heatpack/styrofoam prerequisite for delivery.