Electric Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), a jewel of the freshwater aquarium known for its electrifying colors and charismatic personality. With its vibrant blue hues, intricate patterns, and distinctive markings, the Electric Blue Ram is a captivating addition to any aquarium setup. Elevate the beauty and charm of your aquatic haven with the enchanting presence of Electric Blue Rams.
Care Guide: Electric Blue Rams are prized for their stunning appearance and relatively moderate care requirements. Follow this care guide to ensure the optimal health and vibrancy of your Electric Blue Rams:
Tank Size:
- Provide a tank of at least 20 gallons for a pair of Electric Blue Rams. A well-planted tank with hiding spots is ideal.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: Maintain a water temperature between 78-85°F (25-29°C).
- pH: Keep the pH level in the slightly acidic to neutral range, ideally between 6.0-7.0.
- Hardness: Soft to slightly hard water is preferred, with a hardness range of 5-15 dGH.
- Use a quality aquarium filter to maintain clean and well-oxygenated water. Electric Blue Rams prefer slow to moderate water flow.
Substrate and Decor:
- Use fine gravel or sand as substrate to mimic their natural habitat.
- Provide caves, rocks, and plants to create hiding spots. They appreciate a well-decorated aquarium.
- Electric Blue Rams are omnivores. Offer a balanced diet of high-quality flake or pellet food.
- Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
- Electric Blue Rams are generally peaceful but can be territorial during breeding. Keep them with other peaceful community fish.
- Avoid housing them with aggressive or nippy tankmates.
Water Changes:
- Perform regular water changes of 20-30% weekly to maintain water quality.
- Electric Blue Rams are known to form monogamous pairs. If breeding is desired, provide flat surfaces for them to lay eggs, such as broad leaves or flat rocks.
Note: Electric Blue Rams are not only a visual delight but also have distinct personalities. Their vibrant colors and engaging behavior make them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts.
Experience the beauty and charisma of Electric Blue Rams in your aquarium. Order now to bring a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your aquatic world. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or just starting, Electric Blue Rams will captivate with their stunning appearance and lively presence.